Monday, July 03, 2006

Deuces in Las Cruces

Poor radio choices notwithstanding, I eventually made it through all of Texas in one day and pulled into Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Oh, one last thing about Texas: if you're ever driving near San Antonio, do yourself a favor and stop at the Pig Stand restaurant on the east side of town off I-10. They have this ridiculous bbq pork Delicious.

Anyway, Las Cruces. Checked in, threw on some clothes, decided I wanted a nice dinner after driving for 1066 miles. I followed the signs to Old Mesilla, which was apparently the old Spanish town before Las Cruces was founded, got out of my car and walked around to find somewhere to eat.

Let me tell you something about Old Mesilla: it's the most charming southwest town you've ever fucking seen. Restaurants, shops and a cathedral line the old town square that actually has an honest-to-god bandstand. Families were there with their kids! People were taking in the evening air, stopping to talk to one another!

I left this idyllic scene to have dinner at what turned out to be probably the best restaurant in the city, the Double Eagle. And let me tell you, it was a great idea. Huge margarita (only $6.50, fuck you LA!), delicious ceviche, and an amazing pork chop. Oh, that pork chop: raspberry jalapeno glaze...who invented that? He deserves a medal. Also a baked potato and vegetables.

After dinner I was too stuffed to consider going back to the hotel, so I walked around the town square and sat down on a bench to read my book. It was great.

Only problem was this little problem I've discovered about myself driving back and forth across the country: try as I might, I can't poop in a hotel. I think it comes from when my family went on trips when I was a kid, I'd try to avoid any loaf-pinching activities while sharing a room with either my parents or sisters. Because how gross would it be to be the one to stink up the entire hotel room?

But somehow this has followed me into adulthood and turned into an honest-to-goodness affliction. So here I am, at the La Quina Inn, trying to make Deuces in Las Cruces.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, in nice hotels it is easier!

6:30 PM  

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