Thursday, July 06, 2006


A cozy little apartment nestled off Santa Monica in the very heart of West Hollywood. It's a walk-up, one of those buildings with the garage on the street level and the apartments above. There is a tiny little courtyard in the back, around which an obtuse cast of characters goes about their daily lives.

The Reluctant Angeleno - Sporadic writer and voracious love machine. Devilishly charming, handsome, witty...that kind of thing.

TRA's Roommate - New York transplant. Writer, director, future media overlord. Currently PAing.

The German Building Manager - Smokes hand-rolled cigarettes and sunbathes in Speedos in the tiny courtyard. Often takes up entire courtyard with sun-drying laundry.

The Couple - Young gay couple living below TRA. They own the second and third cutest dogs in the world.

The Spartan - This guy moved in a couple of months ago and still only has 3 pieces of visible furniture: a table, a chair, and a beanbag chair. Otherwise, his apartment - as far as I can see - is totally empty.

The Beemer Girls - A group of girls living together (Are there two? Three? Four? We have no idea) only seen near their BMW black SUV. Whether sitting inside talking to each other, gabbing on the phone near it, screaming at each other to and from it, washing it, driving it around the block (never more than a 1/2 mile trip), or standing with it in the garage, they are NEVER further than 50 feet from their car.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

5:16 PM  

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