Wednesday, September 20, 2006

S-Words for $2000

12 Reasons to Live by the Sword:

1. Handily dispatch any Uruk'Hai in your way.

2. No more traffic tickets. On the other hand, you may have some difficulty with the homicide division.

3. Avenge family betrayed lo those many years ago.

4. Impress chicks.

5. Cooler than a mace, and travels better, too.

6. NO itch you can't scratch.

7. All our favorite religious figures were warriors: Joan of Arc, Judah Maccabee, Mohammad. Swordplay is Lordplay.

8. Substitutes as a walking stick when you get old.

9. If you kill a cougar and have a fire, instant cougar shish kebob.

10. That satisfying "Schnnnk" sound when you disembowel folks.

11. Guns are for losers.

12. Easy to kill any other blogger with a "13 Reasons to Live By the Sword" post.


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